We provide unique logistic solutions tailored to meet specific needs and offer innovative procurement schemes through open partnerships with a select group of customers.
Additionally, we assist small-sized companies in accessing foreign markets.
We believe in building future-oriented organizations situated near our valued customers. Our customers are supported by highly skilled employees, OEMs, and suppliers dedicated to delivering exceptional customer service.
Our software of choice, Quantum Control, is designed for E-commerce success. It features automated ERP solutions, including inventory management, quoting, order processing, repair management, traceability, and invoicing.

- “Ethixbase360 has completed a Tcertification due diligence review of Mosavia Corporation. Certification by Ethixbase360 signifies that Mosavia Corporation has completed internationally accepted due diligence procedures and has been forthcoming and cooperative during the review process. Tcertification underscores Mosavia Corporation's commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions.” TRACEcertification ID: TC4162-4964

Mosavia Corporation is a NJCC member since 2005. More information can be found at http://njchamber.com.

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